E-PUBLICATIONS - full text list of various books, papers and contributions * Elektronske publikacije u punom tekstu |
[for a bibliography, see this link (Bibliography English) or (Bibliografija Croatian)]
[see also Hrvatska znanstvena bibliografija * Croatian scientific bibliography] |
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2025 |
EU Law and Internal Judicial Independence – Hann-Invest Judgement and its Relevance for Procedural Autonomy and Common Rule of Law Standards, Zeitschrift für das Privatrecht der Europäischen Union, vol. 22, no. 1, 2025, pp. 24-33.
The Peculiar Case of Zagreb Law Clinic, in Giddens, Jeff (ed.), Global Clinical Legal Education, Routledge, 2025, pp. 156-182 |
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2024 |
"Editorial — Landmark CJEU Judgment on Internal Judicial Independence C-554/21, C-622/21, and C-727/21 (Hann-Invest et al.)" Zeitschrift für das Privatrecht der Europäischen Union, vol. 21, no. 5, 2024, pp. 177-177. https://doi.org/10.9785/gpr-2024-210501 |
'The Meaning of Court', in: B Hess, M Woo, L Cadiet, S Menétrey, and E Vallines García (eds), Comparative Procedural Law and Justice (Part II Chapter 1), http://cplj.org/a/2-1 |
Should Procedural Legislation Regulate the Length of Judicial Proceedings? Evaluating European Practices and Experiences in Judicial Time Management: Evaluating European Practices and Experiences in Judicial Time Management. Civil Procedure Review, [S. l.], v. 14, n. 3, 2024. https://civilprocedurereview.faculdadebaianadedireito.com.br/revista/article/view/307 |
Komentar profesora Alana Uzelca na Izvještaj o vladavini prava za 2024. (poglavlje pravosuđe) za skup “Stanje u hrvatskom pravosuđu: Izvještaj o vladavini prava – kako dalje?”, 10.09.2024., https://tripalo.hr/komentar-profesora-alana-uzelca-na-izvjestaj-o-vladavini-prava-za-2024-poglavlje-pravosude-za-skup-stanje-u-hrvatskom-pravosudu-izvjestaj-o-vladavini-prava-kako-dalje/ |
Kraj obvezatnih pravnih shvaćanja - Kako ujednačavati sudsku praksu nakon presude Suda EU? u: Zbornik radova s X. međunarodnog savjetovanja "Aktualnosti građanskog procesnog prava - nacionalna i usporedna pravnoteorijska i praktična dostignuća", Split, 2024, str. 1-44 |
Što nakon Hann-Investa? Posljedice odluke Suda EU-a na domaći sustav ujednačavanja sudske prakse, Ius-Info, 23.07.2024. (stručni članak), https://www.iusinfo.hr/strucni-clanci/sto-nakon-hann-investa-posljedice-odluke-suda-eu-a-na-domaci-sustav-ujednacavanja-sudske-prakse |
Croatia, in: Nicolas Kyriakides, Heikki A. Huhtamäki, Nicholas Mouttotos (eds), Euroepan Account Preservation Order. A multi-jurisdictional guide with commentary, Bruylant, 2024, pp. 67-74 |
Flexible Proceedings and Procedural Contracts, in: Anna Nylund and Antonio Cabral (eds.), Shaping Civil Litigation Using Procedural Agreements, Eleven Publishing, 2024, pp. 131-148 |
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2023 |
Judicial Independence in the Context of the Organization of the Judiciary. Recruitment, Remuneration, Retirement, in: Oteiza, E., Priori, G. (eds.), Judicial Independence in the Third Millenium. XVII World Congress of Procedural Law, Lima 2023, General Reports, Lima, Palestra, 2023, pp. 303-350 |
(with J Brozović), Increasing Employability of Law Graduates by Introducing Live-Client Clinics: The Experience of Law Clinic in Zagreb, in: Biljana Djuričin, Maja Kostić Mandić and Alan Uzelac (eds.), A guidebook on best practices in running live client clinics for the academic and non-academic community, Podgorica (Pravni fakultet Univerziteta Crne Gore, 2023), pp. 11-24 |
(s Lažeta, I.), Negativne inferencije u parničnom postupku, u: Šago, D. (ur.), Zbornik radova s IX. Međunarodnog savjetovanja "Aktualnosti građanskog procesnog prava - nacionalna i usporedna pravnoteorijska i praktična dostignuća", Pravni fakultet Split, str. 65-86 |
Uvjeti za preživljavanje hrvatskog pravosuđa u XXI. stoljeću: o tri nužne, ali teško ostvarive reforme, u: Barbić, J. (ur.), Položaj pravosuđa u trodiobi vlasti u RH i njegova društvena odgovornost, Zagreb, HAZU (u tisku) |
(s J. Brozovićem), Zakon o mirnom rješavanju sporova: Korak unaprijed ili još jedna propuštena prilika?, Ius-Info, 14.06.2023. (https://www.iusinfo.hr/strucni-clanci/zakon-o-mirnom-rjesavanju-sporova-korak-unaprijed-ili-jos-jedna-propustena-prilika) |
Zakon o parničnom postupku na putu prema novoj paradigmi?, u: Barbić, J. (ur.), Modernizacija parničnog procesnog prava, Zagreb, HAZU (knjiga 70), 2023, str. 125-140 |
Transparentnost kao otvorenost. O kroničnom deficitu u odnosu između pravosuđa i javnosti, u: Barbić, J. (ur.), Pravosuđe i javnost, Zagreb, HAZU (knjiga 66), 2023., str. 21-40 |
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2022 |
Ustavne odredbe o sudbenoj vlasti. O potrebi revizije zapuštenog i nedomišljenog konstitucionalnog okvira za rad pravosuđa, u: Gardašević, Đ., Gotovac, V., Zrinščak, S. (ur.), Pravo i društvo. Liber amicorum Josip Kregar, Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu, Zagreb (2022) |
Uzelac, A., Perez Ragone, A., Giusti, L. (eds), Eficiencia de la justicia civil y politicas publicas, Bibliotex editorial iuridica, San Miguel de Tucuman (2022) |
Eficiencia de los sistemas de justicia Europeos. Las fortalezas y debilidades de las evaluaciones de la CEPEJ, in: Uzelac, A., Perez Ragone, A., Giusti, L. (eds), Eficiencia de la justicia civil y politicas publicas, Bibliotex editorial iuridica, San Miguel de Tucuman (2022) |
(s Zeljko, I.) (2022) Poslodavac kao tijelo ovrhe? O institutu na zalasku, u: Šago, D. (ur.), Zbornik radova s VIII. Međunarodnog savjetovanja "Aktualnosti građanskog procesnog prava - nacionalna i usporedna pravnoteorijska i praktična dostignuća", Pravni fakultet Split, str. 55-76 |
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2021 |
Uzelac, A., Voet, S., Collectivization of European civil procedure: are we finally close to a (negative) utopia?, in: Uzelac, A. and Voet, S., (eds) Class Actions in Europe: Holy Grail or a Wrong Trail?, Cham: Springer (2021) |
(with S. Voet) (eds) Class Actions in Europe: Holy Grail or a Wrong Trail?, Cham: Springer (2021) |
(s Bratković, M.) (2021) Croatia: Supreme Court Between Individual Justice and System Management. U: Bravo-Hurtado, Pablo, van Rhee, Cornelis Hendrik (ur.) Supreme Courts Under Pressure. Controlling Caseload in the Administration of Civil Justice. Cham, Springer, str. 127-152 |
Croatian Civil Justice v. Covid-19 – The Empire Strikes Back. U: Krans, B. & Nylund, A. (ur.) Civil Courts Coping with COVID-19. The Hague, Eleven International Publishing, pp. 47-56. |
Online rješavanje potrošačkih sporova - hrvatska i europska iskustva, u: Barbić, J. (ur.), Pravna zaštita pojedinca na jedinstvenom digitalnom tržištu europske unije, HAZU, Zagreb (2021), str. 119-130 |
(s Brozović, J. & Basioli, E. ) (2021) Utjecaj prakse u Pravnoj klinici Pravnoga fakulteta u Zagrebu na zaposlenje nakon završetka studija. U: Belanić, L. & Dobrić Jambrović Dana (ur.) Zbornik koautorskih radova nastavnika i studenata sa znanstvene konferencije Unaprjeđenje kvalitete studiranja na pravnim fakultetima u Hrvatskoj. Rijeka, Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, str. 69-89. |
COVID-19 kao katalizator za digitalizaciju pravosuđa?. U: Barbić, J. (ur.) Primjena prava za vrieme pandemije COVID-19. Zagreb, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti (HAZU), str. 372-377. |
Accountability and Transparency in Civil Justice. Revija Kopaoničke škole prirodnog prava: časopis za pravnu teoriju i praksu, 3, str. 121-146 |
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2020 |
Jedinstvena primjena prava u hrvatskom parničnom postupku: tradicija i suvremenost, u Barbić, J. (ur.), Novine u parničnom procesnom pravu, Zagreb: HAZU, 2020, str. 111-168 |
Ogledni postupak radi rješenja pitanja važnog za jedinstvenu primjenu prava: dobre strane i problematični elementi novog instrumenta, u: Zbornik radova s međunarodnog savjetovanja "Aktualnosti građanskog procesnog prava - nacionalna i usporedna pravnoteorijska i praktična dostignuća", Split, 2020, str. 19-38 |
Sudski postupak nakon Korone: Transformacija ili kapitulacija?, Suvremena trgovina, 45/4:2020, str. 14-20 (vidi i ovaj link) |
Croatia (Croatian National Report), in: J. Paulsson (ed.), International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration, Suppl. 109 (February 2020), Croatia-1 to Croatia-64 plus Annexes - Law on Arbitration & Law on Conciliation |
Trenutni položaj hrvaškega pravosodja in vzroka zanj, Pravna praksa, 46(2020), str. 14-16 |
Judiciary in Croatia 2020. Current situation, causes of crisis and possible reform measures (discussion material) - pre-print |
Pravosuđe u Hrvatskoj 2020. Stanje, uzroci krize i moguće mjere. Teze za diskusiju (prilog raspravi o mogućim pravcima reforme pravosuđa) |
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2019 |
Pravni lijekovi u upravnom sporu: kreću li se upravno i parnično sudovanje u suprotnim smjerovima?, u: Novosti u upravnom pravu i upravnosudskoj praksi, Organizator, Zagreb, 2019, str. 73-109 |
Supreme Courts in the 21st Century: Should Organisation Follow the Function?, in: Erecinski/Rylski/Weitz (eds.), The Functions of the Supreme Court - Issues of Process and Administration of Justice, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa, 2019, pp. 125-139 |
Why Europe Should Reconsider Its Anti-Arbitration Policy in Investment Disputes, Access to Justice in Eastern Europe (AJEE), 1 (2), 2019, pp. 6-30 |
Budućnost pravne profesije, prilog disusiji na panelu "Humanizacija i robotizacija prava - jesmo li zakasnili" održanom 6.3.2019. u sklopu konferencije Hrvatske udruge za mirenje (odgovori na pitanja Petra Petrića) |
Hrvatsko građansko pravosuđe između Strasbourga, Luxembourga i Zagreba ili O europeizaciji ovršnog prava na primjeru ovrhe na nekretnini, u: Barbić, J. (ur.), Europska budućnost hrvatskoga građanskog pravosuđa, Zagreb: HAZU, 2019, str. 39-66 |
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2018 |
Transformation of Civil Justice. Unity and Diversity, Springer, 2018 - ORDER BOOK |
Javnobilježnička ovrha i zaštita potrošača: novi izazovi europeizacije građanskog postupka, Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Vol. 68 (5-6), 2018, str. 636-660 |
Pravosudni ispit: frustracija ili kvalifikacija?, 225. tribina Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu i Kluba pravnika grada Zagreba, Zagreb: Pravni fakultet, 2018 (transkript tribine održane 13. studenog 2018.) |
(with C.H. van Rhee), The Metamorphoses of Civil Justice and Civil Procedure, in: Uzelac/Van Rhee (eds.), Transformation of Civil Justice. Unity and Diversity, Springer, 2018, pp. 3-21 |
(with/s Bratković, M; Mileković, E.), Dostava preko sudske oglasne ploče: mogućnosti i ograničenja, u: Zbornik radova s međunarodnog savjetovanja"Aktualnosti građanskog procesnog prava - nacionalna i usporedna pravnoteorijska i praktična dostignuća", Split, 2018, pp. 455-468 |
Izazovi novog uređenja izvansudskog rješavanja potrošačkih sporova, in:Liber amicorum Aldo Radolović, Slakoper/Bukovac Puvača/Mihelčić (eds.), Rijeka, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Pravni Fakultet, 2018, pp. 145-165 |
На шляху до європейських правил цивільного процесу: переосмислення процесуальних обов'язків, Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка, 1(106)/2018, pp. 24-31 (translation into Ukraininan of the text 'Rethinking procedural obligations') |
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2017 |
Towards European Rules of Civil Procedure: Rethinking Procedural Obligations, Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies, 58, No.1 (2017), pp. 3-18 |
Reforma ovršnog prava: putevi i stranputice, u: 217. tribina Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Kluba pravnika grada Zagreba, Zagreb, 14. prosinca 2017. (https://www.pravo.unizg.hr/images/50018419/217%20Uzelac%20prosinac%20L(1).pdf) |
Revisiting Procedural Human Rights.
Fundamentals of Civil Procedure and the Changing Face of Civil Justice,A. Uzelac, C.H. van RHee (eds.), Intersentia, 2017 - ORDER BOOK |
(with C.H. van RHee), Revisiting Procedural Human Rights.
Fundamentals of Civil Procedure and the Changing Face of Civil Justice (Introduction), in A. Uzelac, C.H. van RHee, Revisiting Procedural Human Rights.
Fundamentals of Civil Procedure and the Changing Face of Civil Justice, Intersentia, 2017, pp. 3-13 |
(with A. Galič), Changing Faces of Post-socialist Supreme Courts: Croatia and Slovenia Compared, in: van Rhee, C.H. and Fu, Yulin (eds.), Supreme Courts in Transition in China and the West, Adjudication at the Service of Public Goals, Springer, 2017, pp. 207-228 |
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2016 |
Procedural law and pluralism. Disadvantaged groups of people and an approach to litigation stemming from land dispossession and forced displacement. How to settle private (non-state) land disputes involving members of indigenous and other disadvantaged groups in a just way while guaranteeing due process of law? General report, in: Guzmán, R.B.; Cruz, P.M.; Mejía, M.R. (eds.), Reconciliación y derecho procesal, Bogota: Universidad Externado de Colombia/Asóciación internacional de derecho procesal/Instituto colombiano de derecho procesal, pp. 221-267 |
(s Mirelom Krešić), Arbitraža (izbrano suđenje) u Korčulanskom statutu i statutima istočne obale Jadrana, u: Varady et al. (ur.), Liber amicorum Gašo Knežević, Beograd: Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2016, str. 347-371 |
Asimetrične i hibridne klauzule u rješavanju potrošačkih sporova, u: Barbić, J. (ur.), Zaštita potrošača u Republici Hrvatskoj. Okrugli stol održan 11. svibnja 2015., u palači Akademije u Zagrebu, Zagreb: HAZU, str. 65-72 |
Je li uređenje predstečajnog postupka bilo sukladno s Ustavom? Post festum analiza više neriješenih procesnih i ustavnih problema, u: Izbrani vidiki ustavnega, civilnega in gospodarskega prava. Liber amicorum Lojze Ude, Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Pravna fakulteta i Inštitut za primerjalno pravo, 2016, str. 535-574 |
(with/s Juraj Brozović), Zadužnica: evolucija, aktualno stanje i otvorena pitanja, u: Zbornik radova s međunarodnog savjetovanja"Aktualnosti građanskog procesnog prava - nacionalna i usporedna pravnoteorijska i praktična dostignuća", Split, 21. i 22. listopad 2016., Split: Pravni fakultet u Splitu, str. 59-90 |
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2015 |
Evidence and the Principle of Proportionality. How to Get Rid of Expensive and Time-consuming Evidence?, in: C.H. van Rhee and A. Uzelac (eds.), Evidence in Contemporary Civil Procedure. Fundamental Issues in a Comparative Perspective, Cambridge - Antwerp - Portland: Intersentia, 2015, pp. 17-32 [protected - password: "protected2015"] |
(with C.H. van Rhee), Evidence in Civil Procedure: The Fundamentals in Light of the 21st Century, in: C.H. van Rhee and A. Uzelac (eds.), Evidence in Contemporary Civil Procedure. Fundamental Issues in a Comparative Perspective, Cambridge - Antwerp - Portland: Intersentia, 2015, pp. 3-13 |
Evidence in Contemporary Civil Procedure. Fundamental Issues in a Comparative Perspective, C.H. van Rhee and A. Uzelac (eds.), Cambridge - Antwerp - Portland: Intersentia, 2015 - ORDER BOOK |
Je li uređenje predstečajnog postupka bilo sukladno s Ustavom? Post festum analiza više neriješenih procesnih i ustavnih problema, rad za projekt "Novi hrvatski pravni sustav", Zagreb: Pravni fakultet (objavljeno na intranetu, www.pravo.hr ) |
(with/s Marko Bratković), Certificiranje nespornih tražbina u domaćem i poredbenom pravu, u: Zbornik radova s međunarodnog savjetovanja"Aktualnosti građanskog procesnog prava - nacionalna i usporedna pravnoteorijska i praktična dostignuća", Split, 19. i 20. studenog 2015., Split: Pravni fakultet u Splitu, str. 81-116 [vidi i pre-print] |
(with Jorg Sladič), Assessment of Evidence, in: Rijavec/Keresteš/Ivanc (eds), Dimensions of Evidence in European Civil Procedure, Alphes aan den Rijn: Wolters Kluwer, 2015, pp. 107-131 |
Coercive Measures Applied to Individuals. National Report for the XV World Congress of the International Association of Procedural Law, Istanbul, 26-29 May 2015 |
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2014 |
Supreme Courts in the 21st Century: should organization follow the function?, Conference materials of the Colloquium „The functions of the Supreme Court – Issues of process and administration of justice“, Warsaw, 11-13 June 2014 (see http://colloquium2014.uw.edu.pl/wp-content/uploads/sites/21/2014/01/UZELAC_Supreme-Courts-in-the-21st-Century.pdf; http://colloquium2014.uw.edu.pl/papers/). |
Delays and Backlogs in Civil Procedure. A (South) East European Perspective, Revista de Processo (RePro, Sao Paolo), 39:238/2014, pp. 39-64 |
Croatia (Croatian National Report), in: J. Paulsson (ed.), International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration, Suppl. 81 (October/2014), Croatia-1 to Croatia-60 plus Annexes - Law on Arbitration & Law on Conciliation (2011) |
Why No Class Actions in Europe? A View from the Side of Dysfunctional Justice Systems // Multi-Party Redress Mechanisms in Europe: Squeking Mice? / V. Harsági ; C.H. van Rhee (ur.). Cambridge - Antwerp - Portland : Intersentia, 2014. Str. 53-74. |
Mixed Blessing of Judicial Specialisation: the Devil is in the Detail. // Russian Law Journal. 2 (2014) , 4; 146-164 |
Novo uređenje obiteljskih sudskih postupaka - glavni pravci reforme obiteljskih parničnih postupaka u trećem Obiteljskom zakonu, u: Barbić, J. (ur.), Novo uređenje obiteljskih sudskih postupaka, Zagreb: HAZU, 2014, 3-15 |
Reorganizacija pravosudne mreže, sudjelovanje u diskusiji (autorizirana intervencija), u: Godišnjak Tribine - Tribina Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Kluba pravnika grada Zagreba, Bilten br. 103, Zagreb: 2014, str. 37-41. |
Novo uređenje obiteljske medijacije (uvodno izlaganje i autorizirani tekst sudjelovanja u raspravi), u: Godišnjak Tribine - Tribina Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Kluba pravnika grada Zagreba, Bilten br. 103, Zagreb: 2014, str. 53-61, 78-83. |
(with U. Jeretina), Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumer Cases: Are Divergences an Obstacle to Effective Access to Justice?, Mednarodna revija za javno upravo, XII(4), 39-72. |
Features and Shortcomings of Appellate Review in Civil and Administrative Cases in Croatia, in: Uzelac/ van Rhee (eds.), Nobody’s Perfect.
Comparative Essays on Appeals and other Means of Recourse against Judicial Decisions in Civil Matters, Cambridge - Antwerp - Portland: Intersentia, 2014, pp. 229-257 |
(with C.H. van Rhee), Appeals and other Means of Recourse against Judgments in the Context of the Effective Protection of Civil Rights and Obligations, in: Uzelac/ van Rhee (eds.), Nobody’s Perfect.
Comparative Essays on Appeals and other Means of Recourse against Judicial Decisions in Civil Matters, Cambridge - Antwerp - Portland: Intersentia, 2014, pp. 3-13 - ORDER BOOK |
Nobody’s Perfect.
Comparative Essays on Appeals and other Means of Recourse against Judicial Decisions in Civil Matters, A. Uzelac and C.H. van Rhee (eds.), Cambridge - Antwerp - Portland: Intersentia, 2014. - ORDER BOOK |
Goals of Civil Justice and Civil Procedure in the Contemporary World. Global Developments – Towards Harmonisation (and Back), in: Uzelac (ed.), Goals of Civil Justice and Civil Procedure in Contemporary Judicial Systems. Springer , 2014, pp. 3-31 (excerpt only) - ORDER BOOK |
Goals of Civil Justice and Civil Procedure in Contemporary Judicial Systems. / Uzelac, Alan (ed.). Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London : Springer International Publishing, 2014. - ORDER BOOK |
Croatia: Omnipotent Judges as the Cause of Procedural Inefficiency and Impotence, in: C.H. van Rhee and Fu Yulin (eds.), Civil Litigation in China and Europe, Springer - Ius Gentium: Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London, 2014, pp. 197-221. (published also in Chinese) |
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2013 |
Ustavno pravo na žalbu u građanskim stvarima: jamstvo ispravnog pravosuđenja ili relikt prošlosti?, u: Djelotvorna pravna zaštita u pravičnom postupku. Izazovi pravosudnih transformacija na jugu Europe. Liber amicorum Mihajlo Dika, Uzelac/Garašić/Maganić (ur.), Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 2013, str. 219-243. |
Zakon o arbitraži - vrijeme (ni)je za izmjene. Ugovor o arbitraži, Pravo u gospodarstvu, 53:4/2013, str. 771-782 |
Cравнение европейских систем исполнительного производства и их структур, Вестник гражданского процесса [Journal of Civil Procedure], 2:2013, pp. 220-231 |
Djelotvorna pravna zaštita u pravičnom postupku. Izazovi pravosudnih transformacija na jugu Europe. Liber amicorum Mihajlo Dika, Uzelac/Garašić/Maganić (ur.), Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 2013 (1192 str.) |
The European Court of Human Rights, in: Wijffels, Alain ; van Rhee, C.H. (ur.), European Supreme Courts. A Portrait through History, London: Third Millenium Publishing, 270-277 (također objavljeno na nizozemskom: Het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens, in: Hoogste gerechtshoven in Europa, 278-284). |
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2012 |
(with C.H. van Rhee), The Pursuit of Truth in Contemporary Civil Procedure: Revival of Accuracy or a New Balance in Favour of Effectiveness?, in: Truth and Efficiency in Civil Litigation. Fundamental Aspects of Fact-finding and Evidence- taking in a Comparative Context / C.H. van Rhee; A. Uzelac (ur.). Cambridge - Antwerp - Portland: Intersentia, 2012, 3-10. |
Truth and Efficiency in Civil Litigation. Fundamental Aspects of Fact-finding and Evidence- taking in a Comparative Context / C.H. van Rhee; A. Uzelac (ur.). Cambridge - Antwerp - Portland : Intersentia, 2012 |
Autonomy of the Parties and Autonomy of the Arbitrators: Supremacy vs. Collaboration, Slovenska arbitražna praksa, 1:1/2012, pp. 26-34 |
(with Barbara Preložnjak), The Development of Legal Aid Systems in the Western Balkans. A Study of Controversial Reforms in Croatia and Serbia, Kritisk Iuss. Utgitt av Rettspolitisk Forening (Liber amicorum - Jon T. Johnsen), 38:3-4/2012, pp. 261-287 |
Goals of Civil Procedure (General Report), in: D. Maleshin (ed.), Civil Procedure in Cross-cultural Dialogue: Eurasia Context (Conference Book), IAPL World Conference on Civil Procedure, 18-21 September 2012, Moscow, Russia, Statut, 2012, pp. 111-136 (also published in Russian language) |
Case management in Croatia, in: Case management in Civil Litigation (Conference Materials), Beijing 1-2 September 2012, China-EU School of Law (CESL), Peking University Law School, Maastricht University Law School, pp. 42-59 (also published in Chinese language) |
Системы исполнительного производства, Вестник гражданского процесса [Journal of Civil Procedure], 4:2012, pp. 218-233 |
O razvoju pravnih sredstava za zaštitu prava na suđenje u razumnom roku. Afirmacija ili kapitulacija u borbi za djelotvorno pravosuđe? Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (Liber amicorum - Prof. Sajko), 62:1-2/2012, str. 359-396 |
Draft Legal Aid Act of the Republic of Serbia. Comments on the Draft in the Light of the Applicable European Standards and Experiences of the Countries in the Region, Zagreb, February 2012 (work commissioned by the Council of Europe, DG1/HJ/SL/CB/iv). Serbian translation available in 2012 at http://www.mpravde.gov.rs/images/NacrtZakonaBesplatnaPravnaPomoc.doc; Local copy - latinica/ćirilica). |
Неисполнение судебных решений как системная проблема стран с переходной экономикой, in: Европейский гражданский процесс и исполнительное производство: Сборник материалов Международной научно-практической конференции, г. Казань, Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, 25 марта 2011 г. 1 Отв. ред. Д.Х. Валеев.- М.:Статут, 2012., 335 с. |
Harmonised Civil Procedure in a World of Structural Divergences? Lessons Learned from the CEPEJ Evaluations, in: X.E. Kramer and C.H. van Rhee, Civil Litigation in a Globalising World, The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press and Springer, 2012, str. 175-205. |
 |
2011 |
Создание общих европейских стандартов в исполнительном производстве (прецедентное право Европейского Суда по правам человека и Рекомендации Совета Европы); [Creating common European standards in enforcement proceedings (case law of European Court ofHuman Rights and the Council of Europe Recommendations)], Вестник гражданского процесса [Journal of Civil Procedure], 1:2011, pp. 188-198 |
The Need to Provide Reasons in Court Judgments: Some developments in East and West, in: Aurea praxis, aurea theoria. Ksiega Pamiatkowa ku czci Profesora Tadeusza Erecinskiego, Waszawa: LexisNexis, 2011, pp. 1547-1566 |
Efficiency of European Justice Systems. The strength and weaknesses of the CEPEJ evaluations, International Journal of Procedural Law 1:1/2011, 106-146. |
(Ne)savladive prepreke lustraciji: quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Europski glasnik, 16:2011, str. 153-168. |
(In)arbitrability and Exclusive Jurisdiction. Parallels That Matter, in: Kröll, S. Mistelis; L.A; Perales Viscasillas, P; Rogers, V. (eds.), Liber Amicorum Eric Bergsten. International Arbitration and International Commercial Law. Synergy, Convergence and Evolution (Chapter 24), Wolters Kluwer, 2011, 451-466 |
Kroatien. Rezeption des Ideenguts von Franz Klein als Aufgabe für die Zukunft?, in: Rechberger, Walter H. (ed.), Die Entwicklung des Zivilprozessrechts in Mittel- und Südosteuropa seit 1918, Vienna, Jan Sramek Verlag KG, 2011, pp. 175-201 |
Pravo na pošteno suđenje: opći i građanskopravni aspekti čl. 6. st. 1. Europske konvencije za zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda, u: Radačić, I., Usklađenost hrvatskih zakona i prakse sa standardima Europske konvencije za zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda, Zagreb: Centar za mirovne studije, 2011, str. 88-125 |
(s/with) Stojčević, Paula; Petrašević, Tunjica, Razvod braka u praksi europskih sudova: postupovni aspekti odlučivanja o imovinskim i statusnim posljedicama prestanka braka u odlukama sudova u Strasbourgu i Luxembourgu, u: Rešetar, B; Župan, M. (ur.), Imovinskopravni aspekti razvoda braka. Hrvatski, europski i međunarodni kontekst, Osijek: Pravni fakultet u Osijeku, 2011. str. 287-310. |
Draft Enforcement Act of the Republic of Serbia. Comments on Compatibility with the Requirements of the European Convention on Human Rights, Work commissioned by the Council of Europe, DG-HL/CG/GM/EKO/nka, PO Nr. 312883 (an expertise carried out in the framework of the project ‘Removing the obstacles to the non-enforcement of domestic court judgments / Ensuring an effective implementation of domestic court judgments’ funded by the Human Rights Trust Fund , December 2010. (unpublished - translation into Serbian language available since 2011 at http://www.mpravde.gov.rs/images/ZIP,ekspertiza%20Saveta%20Evrope_prof%20Uzelac%20i%20Jos.doc; local copy) |
Приватизация органов принудительного исполнения - шаг вnepeд для стран переходиого nериода?, in: C.H. (Remco) van Rhee, A. Uzelac, В.В. Ярков, В. О. Аболонив (eds.), Исполнительное производство: традиции и реформы, Перевод с английскоrо, Moskva-Berlin: Infotropic, 2011, pp. 101-121 |
(s/with) C.H. (Remco) van Rhee, Предисловие. Исnолнение и исnолнимость, in: C.H. (Remco) van Rhee, A. Uzelac, В.В. Ярков, В. О. Аболонив (eds.), Исполнительное производство: традиции и реформы, Перевод с английскоrо, Moskva-Berlin: Infotropic, 2011, pp. IX-XIX |
C.H. (Remco) van Rhee, A. Uzelac, В.В. Ярков, В. О. Аболонив (eds.), Исполнительное производство: традиции и реформы, Перевод с английскоrо, Moskva-Berlin: Infotropic, 2011 |
Johnsen, J.; Stawa, G.; Uzelac, A., Evaluation of the Croatian Legal Aid Act and its Implementation, Human Rights Centre - Centar za ljudska prava (Zagreb), 2011. - ekspertiza objavljena na http://www.human-rights.hr/attachments/550_Evaluation%20-%20Final_allinsert.pdf
- prijevod na hrvatski: Ocjena hrvatskog Zakona o besplatnoj pravnoj pomoći i njegove provedbe u praksi. Međunarodno stručno mišljenje, objavljeno na http://www.human-rights.hr/attachments/561_Evaluation%20-%20Final%20-%20Croatian.pdf |
 |
2010 |
Uzelac, A.; Aras, S., Maršić, M.; Mitrović, M.; Kauzlarić, Ž.; Stojčević, P., Aktualni trendovi mirnog rješavanja sporova u Hrvatskoj: dosezi i ograničenja, Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 60/3:2010, str. 1265-1308 |
Croatia, in: Mistelis, L., Shore, L., Smit, H., World Arbitration Reporter. Second edition, Juris Publishing, 2010. (Volume I) |
Arbitrabilnost - aktualno uređenje i neka otvorena pitanja u hrvatskom pravu, Pravo u gospodarstvu, 49:4/2010, str. 1016-1045 |
Survival of the Third Legal Tradition? Supreme Court Law Review (2010), 49 S.C.L.R. (2d), 377-396 |
Survival of the Third Legal Tradition? in: Walker, J. & Chase, O., Common Law, Civil Law and the Future of Categories, Markham: Lexis Nexis, 2010, pp. 377-396 |
Legal Remedies for the Violations of the Right to a Trial Within a Reasonable Time in Croatia: In the Quest for the Holy Grail of Effectiveness, Revista de Processo (RePro, Sao Paolo), 35:180/2010, pp. 159-193 |
Pravo na pravično suđenje u građanskim predmetima: nova praksa Europskog suda za ljudska prava i njen utjecaj na hrvatsko pravo i praksu, Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 60:1/2010, str. (pp.) 101-148 |
Privatization of Enforcement Services – A Step forward for Countries in Transition, in: C.H. van Rhee & A. Uzelac (eds.), Enforcement and Enforceability - Tradition and Modernity, Anwerp/Oxford/Portland, Intersentia (Ius Commune Series no. 84), 2010, pp. 83-101 |
(s/with C.H. van Rhee), Enforcement and Enforceability - An Introduction, in: C.H. van Rhee & A. Uzelac (eds.), Enforcement and Enforceability - Tradition and Modernity, Anwerp/Oxford/Portland, Intersentia (Ius Commune Series no. 84), 2010, pp. xxi-xxix |
 |
2009 |
(s/with B. Rešetar), Procesni položaj djeteta i zastupanje djeteta u sudskom postupku, u: Rešetar, B. (ur.), Dijete i pravo, Osijek: Pravni fakultet, 2009., str. 163-198 |
In the Quest for the Holy Grail of Effectiveness, in: The right to trial within a reasonable time and short-term reform of the European Court of Human Rights: round table organised by the Slovenian chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, Bled, Slovenia, 21-22 September 2009. – Ljubljana : Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Ministry of Justice, 2009 |
Croatia (Croatian National
Report), in: J. Paulsson (ed.), International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration,
Suppl. 57 (December/2009), Croatia-1 to Croatia-56 plus Annexes - Law on Arbitration & Law on Conciliation (B27) |
Postupak pred sudom, u: Šimonović Einwalter T. (ur.), Vodič uz Zakon o suzbijanju diskriminacije, Zagreb: Ured za ljudska prava Vlade RH, 2009, str. 93-106; |
Proceedings before the court, in: Šimonović Einwalter T. (ed.), A Guide to the Anti-Discrimination Act, Zagreb: Ured za ljudska prava Vlade RH, 2009, pp. 95-109 |
Comments on Law on Mediation Procedure of Bosnia and Hercegovina, in: Novo, A. (ed.), Paths of Mediation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo (IFC), 2009, str. 17-58 - see also this link |
Komentar Zakona o postupku medijacije Bosne i Hercegovine, u: Novo, A. (ur.), Putevi medijabilnosti u Bosni i Heregovini, Sarajevo (IFC), 2009, str. 17-55 |
Survival of the third legal tradition? in: IAPL 2009 Conference Materials: Future of Categories - Categories of the Future, Toronto: IAPL, 2009, p. (1-13); conference draft text, password protected, please contact me for further instructions (see: www.iapl2009.org/papers). |
Introduction (with C.H. van Rhee) in: A. Uzelac & C.H. van Rhee, Access to Justice and the Judiciary. Towards New European Standards of Affordability, Quality and Efficiency of Civil Adjudication, Antwerp/Oxford/Portland, Intersentia, (Ius Commune Series no. 77), 2009, pp. 1- 10. |
My Encounters with the IUC: The Unfinished Story, in: Dragičević, B./Oyen O. (eds.), Fragments of Memories of Life and Work at Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik 1971-2007, Dubrovnik (IUC), 2009, pp. 147-149 (A24) |
 |
2008 |
Reforming Mediterranean Civil Procedure: Is There a Need for Shock Therapy?, in: C.H. Van Rhee & A. Uzelac (eds.), Civil Justice between Efficiency and Quality: From Ius Commune to the CEPEJ, Antwerp/Oxford/Portland (Ius Commune Series), 2008, pp. 71-99 (A23) |
Introduction (with C.H. Van Rhee) in: C.H. Van Rhee & A. Uzelac (eds.), Civil Justice between Efficiency and Quality: From Ius Commune to the CEPEJ, Antwerp/Oxford/Portland (Ius Commune Series), 2008, pp. 1- 6 (A22) |
Turning Civil Procedure Upside Down: From Judges' Law to Users' Law, in: Tweehonderd jaar/Bicentenaire Code de Procédure civile, Kluwer uitgevers, 2008, pp. 297-309 (A19 manuscript) |
 |
2007 |
(In)Surpassable Barriers to Lustration: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?, in: Vladimira Dvorakova; Anđelko Milardović (eds.), Lustration and Consolidation of Democracy and the Rule of Law in Central and Eastern Europe, Zagreb, 2007, pp. 47-64 (A20 - manuscript) |
Number of Arbitrators and Decisions of Arbitral Tribunals, Arbitration International, 23:4/2007, pp. 573-592 (B25 - manuscript) |
Public and Private Justice: The Challenges of Rational Assessment of Performance in the Contemporary Justice Systems, in Uzelac, A./van Rhee, R. (eds.), Public and Private Justice, Antwerpen/Oxford, 2007, pp. 7-30 (A16) |
Dokazivanje i teret dokazivanja u pravu staroga Rima, u: Thesaurus Archigymnasii. Zbornik radova u prigodi 400. godišnjice Klasične gimnazije u Zagrebu, 1607.-2007., Zagreb, 2007, str. 265-277 (A17) |
S. Triva, A. Uzelac, Hrvatsko arbitražno pravo, Zagreb, Narodne novine, 2007. *** (PDF samo uvodni dio) |
 |
2006 |
Forma arbitražnog ugovora u hrvatskom pravu: novo uređenje, njegova ishodišta i perspektive daljnjeg razvoja, Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 56:2-3/2006, str. 549-582 |
The Rule of Law and the Croatian Judicial System: Court Delays as a Berrier on the Road to European Acession, in: Frosini/Lupoi/Marchesiello (eds.), A European Space of Justice, Ravenna, 2006, pp. 87-108 (A15) |
Kann die Effizienz der Justiz gemessen werden? - Versuch eines Vergleichs der europäischen Justizsysteme, in: Gottwald, P. (ed.) Effektivität des Rechtsschutzes vor staatlichen und privaten Gerichten, Bielefeld (Gieseking), 2006, pp. 41-72 (A14) |
Croatia - national report, u: Liebscher/Fremuth-Wolf (ur.), Arbitration Law and Practice in Central and Eastern Europe, JurisNet, Huntington, 2006, str. CRO-1-CRO-91 (s/with Tomislav Nagy) (A13) |
Uloga službenika za izvršenje u pravilnom i efikasnom funkcionisanju pravosudnog sistema - pregled sa posebnim osvrtom na pitanja sa kojima se susrijeću zemlje u tranziciji, u: Evropski prostor pravde, Zbornik radova, Tempus projekat Evropske Unije, Centar za obuku sudija Republike Crne Gore, Podgorica, 2006, str. 364-375(A12) |
 |
2005 |
Možno li izmerit effektivnost sudebnoi sistem? (poljitka sravnenija evropeiskih sudebnjih sistem?, Russian Yearbook of Civil and Arbitration Process, 2005/4, pp. 14-42 (in Russian) (B26) |
Streamlined Court Processes, Small Claims, u: Justice for All: Practical approaches to solving cross-border civil and family disputes, Civl and family law conference, 24-26 October 2005, Edinburgh, 2006, str. 50-53 (B24) |
Lew, Julian D.M. - Loukas A. Mistelis - Stefan Kröll: Comparative international commercial arbitration. The Hague-London-New York, 2003. (book review), Croatian Arbitration Yearbook, 12:2005, pp. 299-301. |
Arbitration in Croatia,
u: Oberhammer, Paul (ur.), Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit in Zentraleuropa/Arbitration
in Central Europe, Wien-Graz, 2005, str. (pp.) 131-252 (s/with Ana Keglević) (A11) |
of the Arbitration Tribunal: Current Jurisprudence and Problem Areas under
the UNCITRAL Model Law, International Arbitration Law Review, 2005, str.
(pp.) 153-163 (B23) |
Written form of
the arbitration agreement: Towards a revision of the UNCITRAL Model Law,
Croatian Arbitration Yearbook, 12/2005, str. (pp.) 111/123 (B22) |
Efikasnost pravosuđa
u europskom kontekstu: usporedba funkcioniranja europskih pravosudnih
sustava, Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 55:3-4/2005, str. (pp.)
1101-1136 (B21) |
Standards for
the judiciary, lawyers and prosecutors: Judiciary and lawyers u: Krapac,
Davor (ur.), Making standards work: fifty years of standard-setting in
crime prevention and criminal justice - Report of the Republic of Croatia,
Zagreb (Ministry of Justice, Government of the Republic of Croatia), 2005,
pp. 29-41 |
 |
2004 |
(s grupom autora) Mirenje u građanskim, trgovačkim
i radnim sporovima, Zagreb: TIM Press, 2004. *** Mirenje kao alternativa suđenju, u: Mirenje u
građanskim, trgovačkim i radnim sporovim, str.
(pp.) 15-32 *** Zakon o mirenju: nastanak, izvori i osnovna načela,
u: Mirenje u građanskim, trgovačkim i radnim sporovima,
str. (pp.) 33-44 *** Zakon o mirenju: komentarske bilješke, u: Mirenje
u građanskim, trgovačkim i radnim sporovima (v. gore pod, str.
(pp.) 59-116 |
Zakon o sudovima, Zagreb: Narodne novine, 2004. |
Beschleunigung des zivilgerichtlichen Verfahrens, CLC, Beschleunigung
des zivilgerichtlichen Verfahrens in Mittel- und Osteuropa, CLC-Schriftenreihe
Band 10 (2004), str. (pp.) 67-121(A10) |
prava i pravosudni sustav: sporost pravosuđa kao prepreka pridruživanju,
u: Ott, K., Pridruživanje Hrvatske Europskoj Uniji: Izazovi institucionalnih
prilagodbi, Zagreb (IJF), 2004, str. (pp.) 99-123(A9) |
Efficiency of Enforcement Proceedings: Recommendation on Enforcement of
the Council of Europe and its Relevance for Transition Countries, rad
u zborniku radova za međunarodni znanstveni Tempus project: European Space
of Justice, 2004. (objavljeno na http://www.uniadrion.net/justice/Justice/Didactic/Uzelac.pdf) (B20) |
The Rule of
Law and the Judicial System: Court delays as a barrier to accession, u:
Ott, K. (ur.) Croatian Accession to the European Union, Zagreb (IJF),
2004, str. (pp.) 105-130 (A8) |
Civil Proceedings in Croatia - A History of Attempts to Improve the Efficiency
of Civil Litigation, C.H. van Rhee (ur.), History of Delays in Civil Procedure,
Maastricht, 2004., str. (pp.) 283-313(A7) |
Kako skratiti trajanje sudskih postupaka?, u: Reforma
pravosuđa u Hrvatskoj: temelj gospodarskog rasta i europske integracije,
Zagreb (Svjetska banka i Ministarstvo pravosuđa), 2004, str. (pp.) 58-65
(prezentacija) (P1) |
 |
2003 |
Teret dokazivanja,
Zagreb: Pravni fakultet, 2003. (Monografije Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta
u Zagrebu) |
in Kroatien, u: Nagel/Bajons (ur.), Beweis-Preuve-Evidence, Baden-Baden
(Nomos), 2003, pp. 335-357(A6) |
Croatian National
Report, in: J. Paulsson (ed.), International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration,
Suppl. 39 (October/2003) (B19) |
System of Croatia, u: Kritzer B. (ur.), Legal Systems of the World: A
Political, Social, and Cultural Encyclopaedia, 2002, Vol. I, str. (pp.)
389-395 (A5) |
Reform of the Judiciary
in Croatia and Its Limitations (Appointing Presidents of the Courts in
the Republic of Croatia and the Outcomes), Between Authoritarianism and
Democracy: Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia: Vol. I - Institutional Framework,
Belgrade (CEDET), 2003, str. (pp.) 303-329 (A3) |
Pravosuđe, u: Radni materijal Stručne skupine Pravna država sukladna s
EU Nacionalnog vijeća za konkurentnost, Zagreb, prosinac 2003., str. (pp.)
9-11, http://nvk.multilink.hr/dokumenti.asp |
 |
2002 |
des normes européennes communes d'execution: travaux récents du Conseil
de l'Europe concernant les procédures d'exécution et les huissiers de
justice, u: Rencontres européennes de procedures: Signification, Notification,
Exécution, Paris Sorbonne (ENP), 2002, str. (pp.) 8-23 (A2) |
role played by bailiffs in the proper and efficient functioning of the
judicial system - an overview with special consideration of the issues
faced by countries in transition, Zbornik radova s multilateralnog seminara
Vijeća Europe The role, organisation, status and trainiing of bailiffs
održanog u Varni (Bugarska), 19-20.IX 2002., Strasbourg (Vijeće Europe)
2004, str. (pp.) 6-17 (tekst objavljen i u prijevodu na francuski, ruski i bugarski),
v. također i pod http://www.coe.int/T/E/Legal_Affairs/Legal_co-operation/Legal_professionals/En-forcement_Agents/1_Meetings/Meetings
2002.asp |
New Boundaries of Arbitrability Under Croatian Law on Arbitration, Croatian Arbitration Yearbook, 9(2002), 139-159. |
The Independence
of the Bars and Their Relationship with the Public Authorities, The Independence
of Lawyers: Proceedings of the 28th Colloquy on European Law, Bayonne,
25-26 February 2002, Strasbourg (CoE), 2004, str. (pp.) 106-122 |
Ist eine Justizreform
in Transitionsländern möglich? Das Beispiel Kroatien: Fall der Bestellung
des Gerichtspräsidenten in der Republik Kroatien und daraus zu ziehende
Lehren, Jahrbuch für Ostrecht, Sonderband: Justiz in Osteuropa, Band 43(2002),
1. Halbband, str. (pp.) 175-206 - [scan 2] |
Novele Zakona o sudovima i Zakona o Državnom sudbenom vijeću - elementi reforme organizacijskog sudbenog prava, u: Lalić, Goranka (ur.), Hrvatsko pravosuđe: pouke i perspektive, Zagreb (HHO i Nizozemski helsinški odbor), 2002., str. 33-70 |
Amendments to the
Law on Courts and Law on State Judicial Council - Elements of the Reform
of the Organizational Judicial Legislation, Croatian Judiciary: Lessons
and Perspectives, Zagreb, 2002, str. (pp.) 37-80(A4) |
Reforma pravosuđa i njezina ograničenja: slučaj imenovanja predsjednika sudova u Republici Hrvatskoj i njegove pouke, Zbornik Pravnog
fakulteta u Zagrebu, 52/2:2002, str. (pp.) 289-318 |
Current Developments
in the Field of Arbitration in Croatia, Journal of International Arbitration,
19/1(2002), str. (pp.) 73-79 |
Nove granice arbitrabilnosti prema Zakonu o arbitraži, Pravo u gospodarstvu,
41:2 (2002), str. (pp.) 58-77 - također objavljeno u Pravo i Porezi, 1/2001, str. 12-19 |
Upute za izradu studentskih pisanih radova, Zagreb, Pravni fakultet, 2002. |
 |
2001 |
The Form of
Arbitration Agreement and the Fiction of Written Orality. How Far Should
We Go?, Croatian Arbitration Yearbook, 8(2001), str. (pp.) 83-107 |
Hrvatsko pravosuđe
u devedesetima: od državne nezavisnosti do institucionalne krize, Politička
misao, 38/2:2001, str. (pp.) 3-41 |
Novele Zakona o sudovima i Zakona o Državnom
sudbenom vijeću - elementi reforme organizacijskog sudbenog prava, Pravo
i porezi, 3/2001, str. (pp.) 26-36 |
Forma arbitražnog sporazuma - kako se riješiti
bauka papirnate pismenosti? Pravo u gospodarstvu, 2(2001), str. (pp.)
113-144 |
Urteil von Vlado Primorac, Most/Die Brücke, Literarisches
Magazin, 1-4 (2001), str. (pp.) 310-316 |
O stručnom nazivu 'doktor prava' i njegovom ukidanju
ratione temporis, Pravo u gospodarstvu, 40/6:2001, str. (pp.) 237-240 |
Zakon o arbitraži (Law on Arbitration), u: Croatian Arbitration Yearbook, 8(2001), str. 145-168 [prijevod, translation] |
 |
2000 |
Role and Status of Judges in Croatia, u: Oberhammer (ur.), Richterbild
und Rechtsreform in Mitteleuropa, Wien, 2000, str. (pp.) 23-66 (A1) - [v. i draft] |
Ovršni zakon (Zwangsvollstreckungsgesetz), Wirtschaftsrecht der Osteuropäischen Staaten (119. Lieferung – Kroatien/Makedonien/Slowenien, 14. Oktober 2000) [prijevod, zajedno s N. Čačić-Koren] |
The Judiciary in War Times, short intervention at the Gent Colloquium of the IAPL - International Association of Procedural Law, Gent (Belgium), 25-28 April 2000 |
 |
1999 |
Od liberalizma do katolicizma: neki aspekti
reguliranja pravnih odnosa između crkve i države u Republici Hrvatskoj
- novo pravno uređenje braka, Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 49:3(1999),
str. (pp.) 341-374 (također objavljeno u zborniku radova Liberalizam i
katolicizam II, Zagreb-Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, 1999, str. (pp.) 243-294
/uz priloge za diskusiju i redakcijske preinake/) |
Setting Aside Arbitral Awards in Theory and Practice, Croatian Arbitration Yearbook, 6:1999, pp. 55-73 |
Pobijanje arbitražnih pravorijeka u teoriji i
praksi, Pravo u gospodarstvu, 38:1(1999), str. (pp.) 124-141 |
 |
1998 |
Hrvatsko procesno
pravo i jamstvo pravičnog postupka iz Europske konvencije o zaštiti ljudskih
prava, Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci - Supplement: Spomenica
prof. dr. Đuri Vukoviću, 19 (1998), str. (pp.) 1005-1030 |
Arbitration in Croatia 1991-1998: A Log of the Activities of the Permanent
Arbitration Court at the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, Croatian Arbitration
Yearbook 5 (1998), str. (pp.) 111-119 |
Obvezatno odvjetničko zastupanje, Pravo u gospodarstvu,
37:2 (1998), str. (pp.) 149-185 |
Arbitration in Croatia: Work Globaly, Arbitrate
Localy: A presentation of the arbitration services of the PAC-CCC, Vindobona
Journal 2 (1998), str. (pp.) 32-43 |
Pet godina međunarodne trgovačke arbitraže u Hrvatskoj.
Presjek rada Stalnog izbranog sudišta pri Hrvatskoj gospodarskoj komori
1992-1997, Pravo u gospodarstvu, 37:1 (1998), str. (pp.) 130-138 |
 |
1997 |
Istina u sudskom postupku, Zagreb: Pravni fakultet,
1997. (monografija u izdanju Postdiplomskog studija za znanstveno usavršavanje
iz građanskopravnih znanosti) - preprint verzija, postoje odstupanja u brojevima stranica u odnosu na izvornik |
on Organizing Arbitral Proceedings: A Regional View, Croatian Arbitration
Yearbook 4 (1997), str. (pp.) 135-154 |
Arbitraža i radni sporovi, Pravo i porezi, 1:4
(1997), str. (pp.) 50-53 |
Planiranjem do učinkovitosti: UNCITRAL-ove bilješke
o organizaciji arbitražnog postupka, Pravo u gospodarstvu 36 (1997), str.
(pp.) 154-174 |
 |
1996 |
Sukcesija arbitražnih ustanova: I dio - naznake
problema, Pravo u gospodarstvu, 35 (1996), str. (pp.) 396-411 /dijelovi
objavljeni u Informator, br. 4411 od 15. lipnja 1996. godine, str. (pp.)
13-14, i Tvrtka, br. 1/1996, str. (pp.) 64-65 |
of Arbitral Institutions, Croatian Arbitration Yearbook 3 (1996), str.
(pp.) 71-89 |
Internationale Schiedsgerichtsordnung des Ständigen Schiedsgerichtshofes bei der kroatischen Wirtschaftskammer, Wirtschaftsrecht in Osteuropa, München, Beck, KRO SchiedsGO 910, 1-13 [prijevod, zajedno s prof. dr. E. Marlis-Bajons] |
Republik Kroatien: Zagreber (Schieds-) Regeln.
Textdokumentation mit Einführung, (zajedno s Stefanom Pürnerom) Wirtschaft
und Recht in Osteuropa (WiRO), 5 (11/1996), str. (pp.) 418-424 |
 |
1995 |
diskvalifikacija, čistka. O procesnim i ustavnopravnim problemima izbora
sudaca u prijelaznom razdoblju, Iudex, 1(1995), str. (pp.) 413-434 |
Arbitraža prema Zakonu o javnom bilježništvu i Zakonu o odvjetništvu, Pravo u gospodarstvu, 34:1995, 1-2, str. 127-137 |
Axel Bösch (ur.): Provisional Remedies in International Commercial Arbitration. A Practitioner Handbook, prikaz, Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 45 (4-5/1995), str. 609-613 [recenzija] |
Arbitral Proceedings
Pursuant to the Legal Profession Act and the Act on Notaries Public, Croatian
Arbitration Yearbook, 2 (1995), str. (pp.) 163-173 |
/zajedno s prof. M. Dikom/ “Transnational Litigation and the Evolution of the Law of Evidence”, nacionalno izvješće na V. World Congress on Procedural Law, 17. do 23. rujna 1995., Taormina (Sicilija, Italija) |
 |
1994 |
Thomas Jefferson i 'harmonizacija dnevnopolitičkih
sentimenata', u: Politička misao, 31:2/1994, str. (pp.) 77-87 |
Costs of arbitral proceedings. A general survey
and a report on the practice of PAC-CCC, u: Croatian Arbitration Yearbook,
1 (1994), str. (pp.) 109-125 |
International Commercial Arbitration in Former Yugoslavia. New Developments in Croatia, Croatian Arbitration Yearbook, 1 (1994), pp. 189-196 |
 |
1993 |
Evropsko sudstvo:
između birokratske organizacije i korporativne svijesti, u: Zbornik Pravnog
fakulteta u Zagrebu, 43:5/1993, str. (pp.) 515-550 |
Vjekoslav Miličić, Pravo i metodologija prava, Politička misao, 30:1 (1993), str. 172-176 [recenzija] |
Arbitražni troškovi - i kako ih izbjeći, u: Giunio/Dika/Uzelac
(ur.), Međunarodna trgovačka arbitraža u Hrvatskoj i Sloveniji, Zagreb:
HGK, 1993, str. (pp.) 135-160 |
 |
1992 |
Zavisnost i nezavisnost: Neka komparativna iskustva
i prijedlozi uz položaj sudstva u Hrvatskoj, Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta
u Zagrebu, 42:4 (Suppl. 1992), str. (pp.) 593-613 |
International Commercial Arbitration in Former Yugoslavia: New Developments in Croatia, Seminar on: Resolving Business Disputes Between US and Central European Enterprises; New Developments in Some Former CMEA-Countries, Vienna, May 21-22, 1992, International Arbitral Centre of the Federal Economic Chamber |
Mihajlo Dika, O biti i granicama pravomoćnosti (I). Povijesno-komparativna impostacija instituta, Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 42:3 (1992), str. 360-364 [recenzija] |
Materijalna istina: iskrivljeno ogledalo jedne
teorije istine u sudskom postupku, Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu,
42:4 (1992), str.419-432 |
 |
1991 |
Civilistička i procesualistička redakcija supstancijalnopravnih
normi: o neprimjerenoj procesualizaciji nekih materijalnopravnih normi
na primjeru ZOO-a, Pravni život, 41:3-4 (1991), str. (pp.) 425-451 |
 |
1990 |
Proceduralnost Rawlsove teorije pravednosti i
temelji konstitucionalne demokracije, Dometi 23:3 (1990), str. (pp.) 265-284 |
Zum Problem des richterlichen Aktivismus in
Jugoslawien, /s prof. dr. M. Dikom/ Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu,
40:4/1990, str. (pp.) 391-416 |
Liberalizam i pravo: John Stuart Mill i pravna
država, Naše teme 34 (3-4/1990), str. (pp.) 943-949 |
Zakon i Uvažavanje u Leksikon temeljnih pojmova politike, Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1990, str. 174-180 i str. 265-267 |
 |
1989 |
Ustavni poredak bez ljudskih prava, ljudska
prava bez ustavnog poretka? (A Constitution without Human Rights, Human
Rights without a Constitution?), Naša zakonitost, 43:11-12 (1989), str.
(pp.) 1275-87 |
Suvremena filozofija prava, Dometi, 22:12 (1989), str. 912-917 [recenzija tematskog bloka tekstova] |
Thomas Paine: Prava čovjeka i drugi spisi (On
Thomas Paine's Rights of Man and Other Writings), Naše teme, 33:1-2 (1989),
str. (pp.) 278-288 |
Fishkin, J. S., Liberalna teorija i problem opravdanja, Dometi, 22:2-3 (1989), str. 203-215 [prijevod djela: Liberal Theory and the Problem of Justification, u: Pennock-Chapman (eds.), Justification, NOMOS XXVIII, New York University Press, NY and London l986, str. 207-231] |
 |
1988 |
International Seminar in Dubrovnik. "Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Culture", Synthesis Philosophica, 6 (2/1988), pp. 639-668 [review] |
Filozofija prava u križu običajnosti, Dometi, 5:22, (1989), str. 416-419 [recenzija: Pavo Barišić: Dijalektika običajnosti, HDF, Zagreb 1988.] |
Teodor Fiveg: Topika i jurisprudencija, Filozofska istraživanja, 8:25 (1988), str. 698-701 [recenzija] |
Kristian Kühl: Eigentumsordnung als Freiheitsordnung. Zur Aktualitat der Kantischen Rechts- und Eigentumslehre, Filozofska istraživanja, 8:25 (1988), str. 1298-1302 [recenzija] |
Soriat, G., Prilog interpretaciji opisa u pravnom jeziku, Filozofska istraživanja, 8:25 (1988) [prijevod] |
Dworkin, R., Liberalizam, Dometi, 21:11 (1988), str. 669-685 [prijevod djela: Liberalism, u: Dworkin, R., A Matter of Principle, Harvard 1985, str. 181-204] |
 |
1987 |
Igor Primorac: "Kazna kao jezik", Filozofska istraživanja, 7:1987, str. 1069 [prikaz skupa] |
 |
1986 |
Klenner, H., Da li je Hegelova filozofija prava aktualna, Filozofska istraživanja, 8:19 (1986) [prijevod] |
"Rade Kalanj, Revolucija i svakidašnjica (Ogled o sociološkoj misli Henrija Levebvrea), CKD, Zagreb, 1985", Filozofska istraživanja, 6:1986, str. 957-976 [recenzija knjige] |
 |
1985 |
Filozofija prava Ljubomira Tadića, Pravnik, 22-23 (1985), str. 228-235 ----- [drugi tekst] |
Haim Perelman: Pravo, moral i filozofija, Nolit, Beograd, l983, Filozofska istraživanja, 5:12 (1985) [recenzija] |
Razgovor o knjizi "Praksa, vrijeme, svijet" M. Kangrge, Filozofska istraživanja, 5:1985, str. 191 [prikaz skupa] |
 |
1984 |
Pravo između politike i filozofije, Kulturni radnik, 37:6 (1984), str. 197-203 [recenzija, Kojeve] |