Hrvatski - Croatian
last saved: 29.11.15

Papers in PDF (full text)

NOTICE: This is only a selection of the papers written in English. To access the full text in PDF of all papers, both those written in English and those in other languages, visit this link.

Available in:
Role and Status of Judges in Croatia 90-99 published in Oberhammer (ed.), Richterbild und Rechtsreform in Mitteleuropa, Vienna, 2001, p. 23-66 PDF
Establishing Common European Standards of Enforcement: Recent Work of the Council of Europe as Regards Enforcement Procedures and Bailiffs Paris, Sorbonne: text presented at the Rencontres de Procedure (see Programme) on November 15, 2002 PDF
The Independence of the Bars and Their Relationship with the Public Authorities Paper presented at the 28th Council of Europe Colloquy on European Law
Bayonne, 25-26 February 2002
The role played by the profession of bailiffs in the proper and efficient functioning of the judicial system - An overview with special consideration of the issues faced by countries in transition Lecture delivered at the Council of Europe seminar:
The Role, Organisation, Status and Training of Bailiffs - Strengthening
the Enforcement of Court Decisions in Civil and Commercial Cases; Varna, Bulgaria, 19 and 20 September 2002

Ist eine Justizreform in Transitionsländern möglich? Das Beispiel Kroatien
Fall der Bestellung des Gerichtspräsidenten in der Republik Kroatien und daraus zu ziehende Lehren

Jahrbuch für Ostrecht, Sonderband: Justiz in Osteuropa, Band 43(2002), 1. Halbband, 175-206


(7 Mb!)

Is Judicial Independence an Absolute Goal? a presentation delivered at the LSA Conference "Law in Action", Budapest, July 6, 2001 PDF
Croatia - Legal System Legal Systems of the World: A Political, Social, and Cultural Encyclopedia (B. Kritzer, ed.), (title page), 2002, Vol. I, pp. 389-395 PDF
Form of arbitration agreement and the Fiction of Written Orality published in Croatian Arbitration Yearbook, Vol. 8(2001) PDF
Current Developments in the Field of Arbitration in Croatia a paper submitted for publishing in Journal of International Arbitration, Vol. 19 Issue 1 PDF

Disclaimer and warning: All of the above texts are available only for information purposes. None of them may be copied, published, quoted or referred to without explicit permission by the author.

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